Monday, July 18, 2011


What happens to consciousness after Death?

..Does it just end after our current organic "living" life? 
...After death, will we ever feel and desire again?

This question will never have an definably true or proven answer, however, you can make assumptions based on your own personal intuition and beliefs. I'm going to leave out the scientific answer to this question, due to the fact that life is legally and scientifically declared over once the brain itself has ceased to operate. However, there may be new scientific evidence contradicting popular belief which I will speak about later in this entry.   

Now...I'll give my own personal insight on the unanswerable question in a more philosophical/theological way.

I think that wondering if consciousness remains after death is like wondering what happens to the light when you turn off a power switch...The force driving the consciousness died, making the consciousness, itself, which it powered eliminated or powered off...permanently.  Therefore, because life is no longer existant and the body containing it, which acts as a holding-cell, breaks down... ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Consciousness will be irrelevant and we won't even perceive the lack of consciousness in our broken down or evolved state, depending on how you look at it.

To look at the science behind death and to study the concept and see what happens, is quite intriguing as well. Due to multiple scientific studies, evidence shows that during cardiac arrest occurrence of heightened consciousness and awareness has significant implications, and has also raised the possibility that the mind and consciousness may continue functioning during clinical death. 

In these findings, there is plausible evidence that the occurrence of such experiences raises the possibility that mind or consciousness may continue to function even during clinical death. This shows that the functioning of the mind may continue to exist during death. The uncertainty of mental function during death still needs to be investigated extensively and I'm interested to see well supported studies being released in the near future. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Free Will

Do people have free will?

I think we do have free will, but maybe I was predetermined to think that! Who knows...

Looking at it on a larger scale, a predetermined universe would be indistinguishable from a free one. However, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that it is indeed impossible to know the perfect position of any molecule at a set state or time. This is just an example of uncertainty in the world, if you want to go more in depth you can relate to the quantum dynamics of the universe and realize that some things CAN NOT be predetermined

Now, in today's current society, I would have to say the actions one takes are quite predeterminale. We are conditioned to act a certain way, depending on many factors in society. We know, and for the most part, follow the morels and norms of our current day society, with some influence from the past. Humans actions within a society can also be considered predetermined because we micic or generally follow what we were taught through nurturing, however nature plays a large role too. Even looking at Kohlbergs Theory of Moral Development, we can see much of the human race will act out of fear of being punished and hope of receiving a reward. Much of the human race does not evolve to the post-conventional stages of moral development by the end of a lifetime. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Tree in the Forest

I have a philosophical situation for you. 

A large tree falls in a forest, no one is in the forest to hear the tree fall, when the tree hits the ground....Does it make a noise? 

I saw this situation in 2 different ways...

The first way is the logical scientific way...of course it makes a noise. Its what we are trained to think. Something falls....sound is produced. Sound is just the transfer of energy. Sound waves are energy releasing into the environment around you. So scientifically, yes, it would create a noise. Due to the kinetic energy being released from the predicted contact with another object. 

However, in our society. Isn't "noise" just a term for something we can hear and perceive it as a sound? If there was no scientific backup that high frequency sounds that are out of our hearing capacity were indeed real... Would we believe it? 

In today's society, I feel confident saying that "sound" doesn't become a sound until  and only until there is some intermediate observing it. For example, a noise is only a sound until a person hears it. For it to be a sound, it requires that there be a receiver of this said "sound". Until then, it's just a release of energy through compressed sound waves.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Truth ?

What is reality? 

What is mind; what is thought? 

Is thought real? 

Which is superior: mind or matter? 

Has mind created matter or has matter evolved mind? 

Where do ideas come from? 

Does thought have any importance--does it make any difference in our lives--or is it just fantasy? 

What is Truth?

Some of the many questions we are faced with in life...
There are no true answers to these, its all relative to your understanding of the questions being asked and how you perceive the world. 

I, however, CAN give you my view on truth...

I believe that truth exists but is unobtainable. There are always truths that will counteract and and disprove the truths that we believe at the time. However, with each truth that is newly disproved, a ignorance is born and takes it's place. As soon as a truth is disproved, we immediately see that truth as being false and the newly formed truth that disproved the previous one to now be "true". Therefore, our ignorance acts almost as a place taker of our previous disproved truth. Think about it...I would enjoy to hear the responses on this topic from my viewers.